ICT Education for Female Youth
Capacity Development Project in Arusha, Tanzania
▶ Title
▶ Duration
▶ Budget
▶ Support
ICT education project for empowerment of female youth in Arusha, Tanzania
376 million won
Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA)
Arusha public girls high school ICT education, computer education center for out-of-school female youth, career development using ICT for female youth

In Tanzania, women work for low wages, mainly in agriculture and sewing.
The dropout rate for female students in Tanzania is about 1.6 times that of male students.
Only 17.4% of women have social decision-making power.
E3Empower supports women's self-reliance through three types of ICT education:

Arusha Girls High School ICT Education

Out of school computer classroom

Empowerment of female youth

Official computer class in
Arusha Girls' High School

Tanzania's Arusha Girls' High School has about 300 girls enrolled.
This is a natural-affiliated public girls' high school in Arusha.
For friends who have never used a computer even though they are in public girls' high schools,
For the first time, a computer subject was officially opened at Arusha Girls' High School.
E3empower supports ICT education at Arusha Girls' High School in the following three stages.

Building a computer lab
- Educational computer
- Building a digital library
- Robot kit, Arduino kit
- Building an integrated ICT education environment
Implementation of ICT education
Teacher training
- Computer Basic
- MS Office program
- Internet use
- Basic Programming
- Strengthening ICS subject teachers' capacity
- Student education practice program
- ICT Equipment Management Plan
- Guaranteed sustainability of Arusha girls' high school ICT education
Computer center for
out of school students

Many girls in Tanzania are out of school because of early marriage, domestic work, or early childbirth.
But even among out-of-school girls,
there are children who are struggling to get back to school.
E3empower provides the following classes so that girls can return to school by improving their basic academic skills and strengthening their learning capabilities using ICT.
Basic academic ability improvement class
- Basic literacy training
- Basic numeracy training
- Understanding of computer basics
- MS Word Processor
- Block coding basics

programming class
- Understanding of computer basics
- MS Word Processor
-MS Power Points
- scratch
- Robot coding basics

Support for the empowerment of female youth self-reliance

In Tanzania, it is difficult to educate girls due to the cultural prejudice
that women should only do housework at home and the influence of the Muslim religion.
Among them, especially mathematics, science, and ICT subjects are considered to be men's fields, and women are experiencing a lot of discrimination in education and employment.
E3empower supports empowerment of young women in Tanzania as follows.

Academic and career counseling for out-of-school girls
Gender equality education
Female Leader Mentoring
ICT project presentation
How will students react after computer class?🤗
Deborah Ruheta
I like drawing, and it was really fun to be able to draw various pictures with a computer in the computer class!
I was able to build up a lot of ICT knowledge through computer classes! Even when I grow up, I want to work with Excel!
Rehema Mabrouk
Abigail siamese
For me who wants to be an engineer, this computer class is a very valuable experience! Based on this experience, I really want to make my dream come true!
In this day and age when CT is so important, I'm so lucky to be able to take a computer class! The range of jobs to choose from has widened.
Judith Mollel